Quality in caregiving.

For more information contact usat post@rainbowtrekkers.de

Educational approaches

Montessori, Reggio and IB

At rainbowtrekkers we have a so-called “eclectic” approach, i.e. our approach consists of different pedagogical action concepts from all over the world. Our pedagogical work is based on these ideas.

One of these pedagogical models is the approach of Maria Montessori (1870-1952). Her teaching believes that children have the inner drive to develop through active interaction with their environment. From Montessori’s point of view, the child is an active, highly motivated learner who starts learning at his own pace.

The curriculum of the International Baccalaureate School with its strong focus on promoting the feeling of being a responsible and creative world citizen also influences the philosophy and learning profile of rainbowtrekkers.

The Reggio Approach to education inspires our work in that teachers, children and families are an equal learning community. We believe that children learn in their own way and through the use of different materials and expressions such as music, visual arts, dramatic play, block play and more.

The concept of Planting and Building in Education by the German-Jewish educator Rabbi Shlomo Wolbe (1914-2005), which in turn is essentially based on Democracy and Education by the US reform educator John Dewey (1859-1952), also provides inspiration. Education is therefore the most harmonious synthesis possible between the “natural” forces of the child (curiosity, urge to discover, creativity) and “cultural” forces (learning community rules, social behaviour).

We value the constant challenge of reflecting and implementing current scientific research and educational philosophies. We firmly believe that diverse perspectives and pedagogical approaches enrich our teaching and help us to meet the needs, interests and abilities of our children.

Members of:

Förderverein Frühe Bildung in der Kita
Transparente Zivilgesellschaft