Quality in caregiving.

For more information contact usat post@rainbowtrekkers.de

Finally movement!

Association of cities calls for improvement in funding for private daycare providers

An article in RP-Online contains the following sentences, which are encouraging for us:
“Cities and providers in NRW say: For adequate funding, the state would have to take much more money into its hands.
The current Child Education Act (Kibiz) in NRW is the basis for the fact that no new daycare centers are being built, no new staff can be recruited due to unattractive working conditions, and the municipalities are losing the independent sponsors who maintain the facilities. This was said by the vice-chairman of the NRW Association of Cities, Bochum Mayor Thomas Eiskirch, on the sidelines of his association’s recent general meeting.”

The article as pdf: 220607RPOnlineTrägeranteileabschaffen 2043992550

For years, we as Rainbowtrekkers in the Kita-Verband have been working for a reform of Kita financing, which is outdated in its fundamentals.
More about this on our page about costs: Costs – rainbowtrekkers

Now we and you as parents may have justified hope for an improvement of the financial equipment of our Kitas and a genuine equality to municipal facilities.
We stay tuned!

Members of:

Förderverein Frühe Bildung in der Kita
Transparente Zivilgesellschaft