Take part in surveys and support rainbowtrekkers in making better decisions
Regular staff and parent surveys are part of our ongoing efforts to manage pedagogical quality at rainbowtrekkers. The last parent survey has been conducted around the summer holiday. The results have gone into internal evaluation. Due to the fact that the surveys are conducted in a digital format, we now for a first time have the possibility to also share the results company wide through our intranet so you can be sure that your (anonymous) remarks and ratings are transparent for all members of rainbowtrekkers and reach the person in charge.
In addition to that, each parent survey is topic of an evaluation talk between our pedagogical coordinator and the principal of the kindergarten your child attends to. At this point I may only say that all three kindergartens have scored very good results with the parents. Details already have been or will be provided to you directly by your principal in the next couple of days.
We also have started to publish the (anonymous) remarks and scores of the staff surveys on our intranet so for all team members to be able to learn more about the organization. The results of staff surveys are topic of an evaluation talk between our HR leader and the whole team of the kindergarten your child attends to.
The results of staff and parent surveys serve as data basis of strategical decisions the principals and I take in our Management Meetings. Therefore I would use this opportunity to once again call for your support by please taking part in the surveys. Your opinion counts and is valued. The next parent suvery is scheduled to happen in December towards the Christmas break.