What are our educators actually doing since kitas have closed?
Your child might already have asked himself: What do our educators actually do when the kindergarten is closed and when they are not online at the video chat?
Well, there is an opportunity in every crisis and we have used the past few weeks intensively to drive further digitization in the kindergarten and to prepare for the reopening. This includes, for example, setting up a home office hub on our intranet. In the past few days, pedagogical development assessments and language development assessments have been uploaded for almost all of the 160 children we look after, which should serve as the basis for the upcoming parent talks.
This time the parent talks will take place entirely via video chat and will start in the week of April 20th. By switching to the video chat, we implement “social distancing” and ensure that the parent talks can take place as planned, regardless of whether the kindergartens are allowed to reopen after Easter or not (which has not yet been decided on a political level). Our colleagues will contact you before Easter to make an appointment for the parent talk.
In addition to the developmental documentation task, educators were asked to create several lessons and activities that can be shared with all staff members via our intranet; in hopes the educators will utilize this exchange of ideas after our reopening.
Furthermore, we have used the past weeks to digitize the complete shift planning for all our facilities.
Unfortunately we don’t know when the daycare centers can be reopened. We are closely monitoring the current developments. We assume that politics will make the necessary decisions in the days after Easter. Our offices will be closed during Easter week. However, we will probably get back to you on Friday, April 17th, 20, with information on how to proceed.
In the meantime we wish all children, parents and grandparents as well as all employees and their families a lot of health and stamina. We will make it; the current situation will not lastforever.